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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


SendableAlerts() - Constructor for class swervelib.telemetry.Alert.SendableAlerts
serialCommsIssueWarning - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
NavX serial comm issue.
set(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.telemetry.Alert
Sets whether the alert should currently be displayed.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the percentage output.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Cannot Set the offset of an Analog Absolute Encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndCoderSwerve
Cannot set the offset of the Canandcoder.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Sets the Absolute Encoder Offset within the CANcoder's Memory.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.PWMDutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Sets the offset of the Encoder in the WPILib Encoder Library.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Sets the Absolute Encoder offset at the Encoder Level.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Sets the Absolute Encoder Offset inside of the SparkMax's Memory.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Sets the Absolute Encoder offset at the Encoder Level.
setAngle(double) - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Set the heading of the robot.
setAngle(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the angle for the module.
setAngleMotorConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the conversion factor for the angle/azimuth motor controller.
setAngleMotorConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the conversion factor for the angle/azimuth motor controller.
setAngleMotorVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setAnglePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the angle/azimuth/steering motor PID
setAngleSysIdRoutine(SysIdRoutine.Config, SubsystemBase, SwerveDrive) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Sets up the SysId runner and logger for the angle motors
setAntiJitter(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the antiJitter functionality, if true the modules will NOT auto center.
setChassisSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set chassis speeds with closed-loop velocity control.
setCosineCompensator(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Enable or disable the SwerveModuleConfiguration.useCosineCompensator for all SwerveModule's in the swerve drive.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setDesiredState(SwerveModuleState, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the desired state of the swerve module.
setDriveMotorConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the conversion factor for the drive motor controller.
setDriveMotorConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the conversion factor for the drive motor controller.
setDriveMotorVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setDrivePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the drive PIDF values.
setDriveSysIdRoutine(SysIdRoutine.Config, SubsystemBase, SwerveDrive, double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Sets up the SysId runner and logger for the drive motors
setFeedforward(SimpleMotorFeedforward) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the feedforward attributes to the given parameters.
setGyro(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the expected gyroscope angle using a Rotation3d object.
setGyroOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the gyro scope offset to a desired known rotation.
setHeadingCorrection(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the heading correction capabilities of YAGSL.
setHeadingCorrection(boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the heading correction capabilities of YAGSL.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Set the gyro to invert its default direction.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setMaximumAngularVelocity(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Set a new maximum angular velocity that is different from the auto-generated one.
setMaximumSpeed(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
setMaximumSpeed(double, boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
setMaximumSpeeds(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the maximum speeds for desaturation.
setModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[], boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the module states (azimuth and velocity) directly.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the brake mode.
setMotorIdleMode(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Sets the drive motors to brake/coast mode.
setOdometryPeriod(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the odometry update period in seconds.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Set the gyro offset.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setRawModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[], boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the module states (azimuth and velocity) directly.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setText(String) - Method in class swervelib.telemetry.Alert
Updates current alert text.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
simIMU - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Simulation of the swerve drive.
simModule - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Simulated swerve module.
Simulation - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve.SparkMAX_slotIdx
Slot 3, used arbitrarily.
Simulation - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve.SparkMAX_slotIdx
Slot 3, used arbitrarily.
sizeFrontBack - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The distance between the front and back modules.
sizeLeftRight - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The distance between the left and right modules.
SparkFlexSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
An implementation of CANSparkFlex as a SwerveMotor.
SparkFlexSwerve(int, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Initialize the SwerveMotor as a CANSparkMax connected to a Brushless Motor.
SparkFlexSwerve(CANSparkFlex, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Initialize the swerve motor.
SparkFlexSwerve.SparkMAX_slotIdx - Enum Class in swervelib.motors
REV Slots for PID configuration.
SparkMAX_slotIdx() - Constructor for enum class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve.SparkMAX_slotIdx
SparkMAX_slotIdx() - Constructor for enum class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve.SparkMAX_slotIdx
SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
SparkMax absolute encoder, attached through the data port analog pin.
SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve(SwerveMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Create the SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve object as a analog sensor from the CANSparkMax motor data port analog pin.
SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
Brushed motor control with SparkMax.
SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve(int, boolean, SparkRelativeEncoder.Type, int, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Initialize the SwerveMotor as a CANSparkMax connected to a Brushless Motor.
SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve(CANSparkMax, boolean, SparkRelativeEncoder.Type, int, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Initialize the swerve motor.
SparkMaxEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
SparkMax absolute encoder, attached through the data port.
SparkMaxEncoderSwerve(SwerveMotor, int) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Create the SparkMaxEncoderSwerve object as a duty cycle from the CANSparkMax motor.
SparkMaxSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
An implementation of CANSparkMax as a SwerveMotor.
SparkMaxSwerve(int, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Initialize the SwerveMotor as a CANSparkMax connected to a Brushless Motor.
SparkMaxSwerve(CANSparkMax, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Initialize the swerve motor.
SparkMaxSwerve.SparkMAX_slotIdx - Enum Class in swervelib.motors
REV Slots for PID configuration.
state - Variable in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
Current simulated swerve module state.
STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Wait time for status frames to show up.
STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Wait time for status frames to show up.
STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Wait time for status frames to show up.
stopOdometryThread() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Stop the odometry thread in favor of manually updating odometry.
supplier - Variable in class swervelib.parser.Cache
Supplier for cached value.
SwerveAbsoluteEncoder - Class in swervelib.encoders
Swerve abstraction class to define a standard interface with absolute encoders for swerve modules..
SwerveAbsoluteEncoder() - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
swerveController - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve controller for controlling heading of the robot.
SwerveController - Class in swervelib
Controller class used to convert raw inputs into robot speeds.
SwerveController(SwerveControllerConfiguration) - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveController
Construct the SwerveController object which is used for determining the speeds of the robot based on controller input.
SwerveControllerConfiguration - Class in swervelib.parser
Swerve Controller configuration class which is used to configure SwerveController.
SwerveControllerConfiguration(SwerveDriveConfiguration, PIDFConfig, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration
Construct the swerve controller configuration.
SwerveControllerConfiguration(SwerveDriveConfiguration, PIDFConfig, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration
Construct the swerve controller configuration.
SwerveDrive - Class in swervelib
Swerve Drive class representing and controlling the swerve drive.
SwerveDrive(SwerveDriveConfiguration, SwerveControllerConfiguration, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Creates a new swerve drivebase subsystem.
swerveDriveConfiguration - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve drive configuration.
SwerveDriveConfiguration - Class in swervelib.parser
Swerve drive configurations used during SwerveDrive construction.
SwerveDriveConfiguration(SwerveModuleConfiguration[], SwerveIMU, boolean, SimpleMotorFeedforward, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Create swerve drive configuration.
swerveDriveJson - Static variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Parsed swervedrive.json
SwerveDriveJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json
SwerveDrive JSON parsed class.
SwerveDriveJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson
swerveDrivePoseEstimator - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve odometry.
SwerveDriveTelemetry - Class in swervelib.telemetry
Telemetry to describe the SwerveDrive following frc-web-components.
SwerveDriveTelemetry() - Constructor for class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity - Enum Class in swervelib.telemetry
Verbosity of telemetry data sent back.
SwerveDriveTest - Class in swervelib
Class to perform tests on the swerve drive.
SwerveDriveTest() - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
SwerveIMU - Class in swervelib.imu
Swerve IMU abstraction to define a standard interface with a swerve drive.
SwerveIMU() - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
SwerveIMUSimulation - Class in swervelib.simulation
Simulation for SwerveDrive IMU.
SwerveIMUSimulation() - Constructor for class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Create the swerve drive IMU simulation.
swervelib - package swervelib
Yet-Another Generic Swerve Library (YAGSL) main package AKA swervelib.
swervelib.encoders - package swervelib.encoders
Absolute encoders for the swerve drive, all implement SwerveAbsoluteEncoder.
swervelib.imu - package swervelib.imu
IMUs used for controlling the robot heading.
swervelib.math - package swervelib.math
Mathematics for swerve drives.
swervelib.motors - package swervelib.motors
Swerve motor controller wrappers which implement SwerveMotor.
swervelib.parser - package swervelib.parser
JSON Parser for YAGSL configurations.
swervelib.parser.deserializer - package swervelib.parser.deserializer
Deserialize specific variables for outside the parser.
swervelib.parser.json - package swervelib.parser.json
JSON Mapped classes for parsing configuration files.
swervelib.parser.json.modules - package swervelib.parser.json.modules
JSON Mapped Configuration types for modules.
swervelib.simulation - package swervelib.simulation
Classes used to simulate the swerve drive.
swervelib.telemetry - package swervelib.telemetry
Telemetry package for sending data to NT4 or SmartDashboard.
SwerveMath - Class in swervelib.math
Mathematical functions which pertain to swerve drive.
SwerveMath() - Constructor for class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
SwerveModule - Class in swervelib
The Swerve Module class which represents and controls Swerve Modules for the swerve drive.
SwerveModule(int, SwerveModuleConfiguration, SimpleMotorFeedforward) - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveModule
Construct the swerve module and initialize the swerve module motors and absolute encoder.
SwerveModuleConfiguration - Class in swervelib.parser
Swerve Module configuration class which is used to configure SwerveModule.
SwerveModuleConfiguration(SwerveMotor, SwerveMotor, MotorConfigDouble, SwerveAbsoluteEncoder, double, double, double, PIDFConfig, PIDFConfig, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Construct a configuration object for swerve modules.
SwerveModuleConfiguration(SwerveMotor, SwerveMotor, MotorConfigDouble, SwerveAbsoluteEncoder, double, double, double, PIDFConfig, PIDFConfig, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics, String, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Construct a configuration object for swerve modules.
SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics - Class in swervelib.parser
Configuration class which stores physical characteristics shared between every swerve module.
SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics(MotorConfigDouble, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Construct the swerve module physical characteristics.
SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics(MotorConfigDouble, double, double, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Construct the swerve module physical characteristics.
swerveModules - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve modules.
SwerveModuleSimulation - Class in swervelib.simulation
Class to hold simulation data for SwerveModule
SwerveModuleSimulation() - Constructor for class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
Create simulation class and initialize module at 0.
SwerveMotor - Class in swervelib.motors
Swerve motor abstraction which defines a standard interface for motors within a swerve module.
SwerveMotor() - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
SwerveParser - Class in swervelib.parser
Helper class used to parse the JSON directory with specified configuration options.
SwerveParser(File) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Construct a swerve parser.
synchronizeEncoderQueued - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Encoder synchronization queued.
synchronizeModuleEncoders() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Synchronize angle motor integrated encoders with data from absolute encoders.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values