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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


i - Variable in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Integral Gain for PID.
i2cLockupWarning - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
An Alert for if there is an I2C lockup issue on the roboRIO.
id - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.DeviceJson
The CAN ID or pin ID of the device.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
ADIS16448_IMU device to read the current headings from.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
ADIS16470_IMU device to read the current headings from.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
ADXRS450_Gyro device to read the current headings from.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Pigeon2 IMU device.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Pigeon v1 IMU device.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson
Robot IMU used to determine heading of the robot.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Swerve IMU
imu - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve IMU device for sensing the heading of the robot.
imuReadingCache - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
IMU reading cache for robot readings.
inaccurateVelocities - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
An Alert detailing how the analog absolute encoder may not report accurate velocities.
inaccurateVelocities - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.PWMDutyCycleEncoderSwerve
An Alert for if the encoder cannot report accurate velocities.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.telemetry.Alert.AlertType
Low priority alert - displayed last on the dashboard with a green "i" symbol.
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class swervelib.telemetry.Alert.SendableAlerts
inverted - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Inversion state of the encoder.
inverted - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Defines which motors are inverted.
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Inversion for the gyro
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Inversion for the gyro
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Inversion for the gyro
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Inversion for the gyro
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Inversion for the gyro
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Inversion for the gyro
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Inversion for the gyro
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson
Invert the IMU of the robot.
isAttachedAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
isAttachedAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
isAttachedAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
isAttachedAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
isAttachedAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
isAttachedAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
isDriveMotor - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Whether the swerve motor is a drive motor.
isInverted - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.PWMDutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Inversion state.
isSimulation - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
State of simulation of the Robot, used to optimize retrieval.
isStale() - Method in class swervelib.parser.Cache
Return whether the cache is stale.
iz - Variable in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Integral zone of the PID.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values