Package swervelib.encoders

package swervelib.encoders
Absolute encoders for the swerve drive, all implement SwerveAbsoluteEncoder.
  • Classes
    Swerve Absolute Encoder for Thrifty Encoders and other analog encoders.
    HELIUM Canandcoder from ReduxRobotics absolute encoder, attached through the CAN bus.
    Swerve Absolute Encoder for CTRE CANCoders.
    DutyCycle encoders such as "US Digital MA3 with PWM Output, the CTRE Mag Encoder, the Rev Hex Encoder, and the AM Mag Encoder." attached via a PWM lane.
    SparkMax absolute encoder, attached through the data port analog pin.
    SparkMax absolute encoder, attached through the data port.
    Swerve abstraction class to define a standard interface with absolute encoders for swerve modules..