Package swervelib

Class SwerveDrive


public class SwerveDrive extends Object
Swerve Drive class representing and controlling the swerve drive.
  • Field Details

    • kinematics

      public final edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveDriveKinematics kinematics
      Swerve Kinematics object.
    • swerveDriveConfiguration

      public final SwerveDriveConfiguration swerveDriveConfiguration
      Swerve drive configuration.
    • swerveDrivePoseEstimator

      public final edu.wpi.first.math.estimator.SwerveDrivePoseEstimator swerveDrivePoseEstimator
      Swerve odometry.
    • imuReadingCache

      public final Cache<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d> imuReadingCache
      IMU reading cache for robot readings.
    • swerveModules

      private final SwerveModule[] swerveModules
      Swerve modules.
    • odometryThread

      private final edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Notifier odometryThread
      WPILib Notifier to keep odometry up to date.
    • odometryLock

      private final Lock odometryLock
      Odometry lock to ensure thread safety.
    • tunerXRecommendation

      private final Alert tunerXRecommendation
      Alert to recommend Tuner X if the configuration is compatible.
    • field

      public edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.Field2d field
      Field object.
    • swerveController

      public SwerveController swerveController
      Swerve controller for controlling heading of the robot.
    • chassisVelocityCorrection

      public boolean chassisVelocityCorrection
      Correct chassis velocity in drive(Translation2d, double, boolean, boolean) using 254's correction.
    • headingCorrection

      public boolean headingCorrection
      Whether to correct heading when driving translationally. Set to true to enable.

      Deadband for speeds in heading correction.
    • imu

      private SwerveIMU imu
      Swerve IMU device for sensing the heading of the robot.
    • simIMU

      private SwerveIMUSimulation simIMU
      Simulation of the swerve drive.
    • moduleSynchronizationCounter

      private int moduleSynchronizationCounter
      Counter to synchronize the modules relative encoder with absolute encoder when not moving.
    • lastHeadingRadians

      private double lastHeadingRadians
      The last heading set in radians.
    • attainableMaxTranslationalSpeedMetersPerSecond

      private double attainableMaxTranslationalSpeedMetersPerSecond
      The absolute max speed that your robot can reach while translating in meters per second.
    • attainableMaxRotationalVelocityRadiansPerSecond

      private double attainableMaxRotationalVelocityRadiansPerSecond
      The absolute max speed the robot can reach while rotating radians per second.
    • maxSpeedMPS

      private double maxSpeedMPS
      Maximum speed of the robot in meters per second.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • updateCacheValidityPeriods

      public void updateCacheValidityPeriods(long imu, long driveMotor, long absoluteEncoder)
      Update the cache validity period for the robot.
      imu - IMU reading cache validity period in milliseconds.
      driveMotor - Drive motor reading cache in milliseconds.
      absoluteEncoder - Absolute encoder reading cache in milliseconds.
    • checkIfTunerXCompatible

      private void checkIfTunerXCompatible()
      Check all components to ensure that Tuner X Swerve Generator is recommended instead.
    • setOdometryPeriod

      public void setOdometryPeriod(double period)
      Set the odometry update period in seconds.
      period - period in seconds.
    • stopOdometryThread

      public void stopOdometryThread()
      Stop the odometry thread in favor of manually updating odometry.
    • setAngleMotorConversionFactor

      public void setAngleMotorConversionFactor(double conversionFactor)
      Set the conversion factor for the angle/azimuth motor controller.
      conversionFactor - Angle motor conversion factor for PID, should be generated from SwerveMath.calculateDegreesPerSteeringRotation(double, double) or calculated.
    • setDriveMotorConversionFactor

      public void setDriveMotorConversionFactor(double conversionFactor)
      Set the conversion factor for the drive motor controller.
      conversionFactor - Drive motor conversion factor for PID, should be generated from SwerveMath.calculateMetersPerRotation(double, double, double) or calculated.
    • getOdometryHeading

      public edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d getOdometryHeading()
      Fetch the latest odometry heading, should be trusted over getYaw().
      Rotation2d of the robot heading.
    • setHeadingCorrection

      public void setHeadingCorrection(boolean state)
      Set the heading correction capabilities of YAGSL.
      state - headingCorrection state.
    • setHeadingCorrection

      public void setHeadingCorrection(boolean state, double deadband)
      Set the heading correction capabilities of YAGSL.
      state - headingCorrection state.
      deadband - HEADING_CORRECTION_DEADBAND deadband.
    • driveFieldOriented

      public void driveFieldOriented(edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds velocity)
      Secondary method of controlling the drive base given velocity and adjusting it for field oriented use.
      velocity - Velocity of the robot desired.
    • driveFieldOriented

      public void driveFieldOriented(edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds velocity, edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d centerOfRotationMeters)
      Secondary method of controlling the drive base given velocity and adjusting it for field oriented use.
      velocity - Velocity of the robot desired.
      centerOfRotationMeters - The center of rotation in meters, 0 is the center of the robot.
    • drive

      public void drive(edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds velocity)
      Secondary method for controlling the drivebase. Given a simple ChassisSpeeds set the swerve module states, to achieve the goal.
      velocity - The desired robot-oriented ChassisSpeeds for the robot to achieve.
    • drive

      public void drive(edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds velocity, edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d centerOfRotationMeters)
      Secondary method for controlling the drivebase. Given a simple ChassisSpeeds set the swerve module states, to achieve the goal.
      velocity - The desired robot-oriented ChassisSpeeds for the robot to achieve.
      centerOfRotationMeters - The center of rotation in meters, 0 is the center of the robot.
    • drive

      public void drive(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d translation, double rotation, boolean fieldRelative, boolean isOpenLoop, edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d centerOfRotationMeters)
      The primary method for controlling the drivebase. Takes a Translation2d and a rotation rate, and calculates and commands module states accordingly. Can use either open-loop or closed-loop velocity control for the wheel velocities. Also has field- and robot-relative modes, which affect how the translation vector is used.
      translation - Translation2d that is the commanded linear velocity of the robot, in meters per second. In robot-relative mode, positive x is torwards the bow (front) and positive y is torwards port (left). In field-relative mode, positive x is away from the alliance wall (field North) and positive y is torwards the left wall when looking through the driver station glass (field West).
      rotation - Robot angular rate, in radians per second. CCW positive. Unaffected by field/robot relativity.
      fieldRelative - Drive mode. True for field-relative, false for robot-relative.
      isOpenLoop - Whether to use closed-loop velocity control. Set to true to disable closed-loop.
      centerOfRotationMeters - The center of rotation in meters, 0 is the center of the robot.
    • drive

      public void drive(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d translation, double rotation, boolean fieldRelative, boolean isOpenLoop)
      The primary method for controlling the drivebase. Takes a Translation2d and a rotation rate, and calculates and commands module states accordingly. Can use either open-loop or closed-loop velocity control for the wheel velocities. Also has field- and robot-relative modes, which affect how the translation vector is used.
      translation - Translation2d that is the commanded linear velocity of the robot, in meters per second. In robot-relative mode, positive x is torwards the bow (front) and positive y is torwards port (left). In field-relative mode, positive x is away from the alliance wall (field North) and positive y is torwards the left wall when looking through the driver station glass (field West).
      rotation - Robot angular rate, in radians per second. CCW positive. Unaffected by field/robot relativity.
      fieldRelative - Drive mode. True for field-relative, false for robot-relative.
      isOpenLoop - Whether to use closed-loop velocity control. Set to true to disable closed-loop.
    • drive

      public void drive(edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds velocity, boolean isOpenLoop, edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d centerOfRotationMeters)
      The primary method for controlling the drivebase. Takes a ChassisSpeeds, and calculates and commands module states accordingly. Can use either open-loop or closed-loop velocity control for the wheel velocities. Applies heading correction if enabled and necessary.
      velocity - The chassis speeds to set the robot to achieve.
      isOpenLoop - Whether to use closed-loop velocity control. Set to true to disable closed-loop.
      centerOfRotationMeters - The center of rotation in meters, 0 is the center of the robot.
    • setMaximumSpeeds

      public void setMaximumSpeeds(double attainableMaxModuleSpeedMetersPerSecond, double attainableMaxTranslationalSpeedMetersPerSecond, double attainableMaxRotationalVelocityRadiansPerSecond)
      Set the maximum speeds for desaturation.
      attainableMaxModuleSpeedMetersPerSecond - The absolute max speed that a module can reach in meters per second.
      attainableMaxTranslationalSpeedMetersPerSecond - The absolute max speed that your robot can reach while translating in meters per second.
      attainableMaxRotationalVelocityRadiansPerSecond - The absolute max speed the robot can reach while rotating in radians per second.
    • getMaximumVelocity

      public double getMaximumVelocity()
      Get the maximum velocity from attainableMaxTranslationalSpeedMetersPerSecond or maxSpeedMPS whichever is higher.
      Maximum speed in meters/second.
    • getMaximumAngularVelocity

      public double getMaximumAngularVelocity()
      Maximum angular velocity in radians per second.
    • setRawModuleStates

      private void setRawModuleStates(edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveModuleState[] desiredStates, boolean isOpenLoop)
      Set the module states (azimuth and velocity) directly.
      desiredStates - A list of SwerveModuleStates to send to the modules.
      isOpenLoop - Whether to use closed-loop velocity control. Set to true to disable closed-loop.
    • setModuleStates

      public void setModuleStates(edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveModuleState[] desiredStates, boolean isOpenLoop)
      Set the module states (azimuth and velocity) directly. Used primarily for auto paths.
      desiredStates - A list of SwerveModuleStates to send to the modules.
      isOpenLoop - Whether to use closed-loop velocity control. Set to true to disable closed-loop.
    • setChassisSpeeds

      public void setChassisSpeeds(edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds chassisSpeeds)
      Set chassis speeds with closed-loop velocity control.
      chassisSpeeds - Chassis speeds to set.
    • getPose

      public edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d getPose()
      Gets the current pose (position and rotation) of the robot, as reported by odometry.
      The robot's pose
    • getFieldVelocity

      public edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds getFieldVelocity()
      Gets the current field-relative velocity (x, y and omega) of the robot
      A ChassisSpeeds object of the current field-relative velocity
    • getRobotVelocity

      public edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds getRobotVelocity()
      Gets the current robot-relative velocity (x, y and omega) of the robot
      A ChassisSpeeds object of the current robot-relative velocity
    • resetOdometry

      public void resetOdometry(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d pose)
      Resets odometry to the given pose. Gyro angle and module positions do not need to be reset when calling this method. However, if either gyro angle or module position is reset, this must be called in order for odometry to keep working.
      pose - The pose to set the odometry to
    • postTrajectory

      public void postTrajectory(edu.wpi.first.math.trajectory.Trajectory trajectory)
      Post the trajectory to the field
      trajectory - the trajectory to post.
    • getStates

      public edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveModuleState[] getStates()
      Gets the current module states (azimuth and velocity)
      A list of SwerveModuleStates containing the current module states
    • getModulePositions

      public edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveModulePosition[] getModulePositions()
      Gets the current module positions (azimuth and wheel position (meters)).
      A list of SwerveModulePositions containg the current module positions
    • getGyro

      public SwerveIMU getGyro()
      Getter for the SwerveIMU.
      generated SwerveIMU
    • setGyro

      public void setGyro(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d gyro)
      Set the expected gyroscope angle using a Rotation3d object. To reset gyro, set to a new Rotation3d subtracted from the current gyroscopic readings SwerveIMU.getRotation3d().
      gyro - expected gyroscope angle as Rotation3d.
    • zeroGyro

      public void zeroGyro()
      Resets the gyro angle to zero and resets odometry to the same position, but facing toward 0.
    • getYaw

      public edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d getYaw()
      Gets the current yaw angle of the robot, as reported by the imu. CCW positive, not wrapped.
      The yaw as a Rotation2d angle
    • getPitch

      public edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d getPitch()
      Gets the current pitch angle of the robot, as reported by the imu.
      The heading as a Rotation2d angle
    • getRoll

      public edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d getRoll()
      Gets the current roll angle of the robot, as reported by the imu.
      The heading as a Rotation2d angle
    • getGyroRotation3d

      public edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d getGyroRotation3d()
      Gets the current gyro Rotation3d of the robot, as reported by the imu.
      The heading as a Rotation3d angle
    • getAccel

      public Optional<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d> getAccel()
      Gets current acceleration of the robot in m/s/s. If gyro unsupported returns empty.
      acceleration of the robot as a Translation3d
    • setMotorIdleMode

      public void setMotorIdleMode(boolean brake)
      Sets the drive motors to brake/coast mode.
      brake - True to set motors to brake mode, false for coast.
    • setMaximumSpeed

      public void setMaximumSpeed(double maximumSpeed, boolean updateModuleFeedforward, double optimalVoltage)
      Set the maximum speed of the drive motors, modified maxSpeedMPS which is used for the setRawModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[], boolean) function and SwerveController.getTargetSpeeds(double, double, double, double, double) functions. This function overrides what was placed in the JSON and could damage your motor/robot if set too high or unachievable rates.
      maximumSpeed - Maximum speed for the drive motors in meters / second.
      updateModuleFeedforward - Update the swerve module feedforward to account for the new maximum speed. This should be true unless you have replaced the drive motor feedforward with replaceSwerveModuleFeedforward(SimpleMotorFeedforward)
      optimalVoltage - Optimal voltage to use for the feedforward.
    • setMaximumSpeed

      public void setMaximumSpeed(double maximumSpeed)
      Set the maximum speed of the drive motors, modified maxSpeedMPS which is used for the setRawModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[], boolean) function and SwerveController.getTargetSpeeds(double, double, double, double, double) functions. This function overrides what was placed in the JSON and could damage your motor/robot if set too high or unachievable rates. Overwrites the SwerveModule.setFeedforward(SimpleMotorFeedforward).
      maximumSpeed - Maximum speed for the drive motors in meters / second.
    • lockPose

      public void lockPose()
      Point all modules toward the robot center, thus making the robot very difficult to move. Forcing the robot to keep the current pose.
    • getSwerveModulePoses

      public edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d[] getSwerveModulePoses(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d robotPose)
      Get the swerve module poses and on the field relative to the robot.
      robotPose - Robot pose.
      Swerve module poses.
    • replaceSwerveModuleFeedforward

      public void replaceSwerveModuleFeedforward(edu.wpi.first.math.controller.SimpleMotorFeedforward driveFeedforward)
      Setup the swerve module feedforward.
      driveFeedforward - Feedforward for the drive motor on swerve modules.
    • updateOdometry

      public void updateOdometry()
      Update odometry should be run every loop. Synchronizes module absolute encoders with relative encoders periodically. In simulation mode will also post the pose of each module. Updates SmartDashboard with module encoder readings and states.
    • synchronizeModuleEncoders

      public void synchronizeModuleEncoders()
      Synchronize angle motor integrated encoders with data from absolute encoders.
    • setGyroOffset

      public void setGyroOffset(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d offset)
      Set the gyro scope offset to a desired known rotation. Unlike setGyro(Rotation3d) it DOES NOT take the current rotation into account.
      offset - Rotation3d known offset of the robot for gyroscope to use.
    • addVisionMeasurement

      public void addVisionMeasurement(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d robotPose, double timestamp, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> visionMeasurementStdDevs)
      Add a vision measurement to the SwerveDrivePoseEstimator and update the SwerveIMU gyro reading with the given timestamp of the vision measurement.
      robotPose - Robot Pose2d as measured by vision.
      timestamp - Timestamp the measurement was taken as time since startup, should be taken from Timer.getFPGATimestamp() or similar sources.
      visionMeasurementStdDevs - Vision measurement standard deviation that will be sent to the SwerveDrivePoseEstimator.The standard deviation of the vision measurement, for best accuracy calculate the standard deviation at 2 or more points and fit a line to it with the calculated optimal standard deviation. (Units should be meters per pixel). By optimizing this you can get * vision accurate to inches instead of feet.
    • addVisionMeasurement

      public void addVisionMeasurement(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d robotPose, double timestamp)
      Add a vision measurement to the SwerveDrivePoseEstimator and update the SwerveIMU gyro reading with the given timestamp of the vision measurement.
      robotPose - Robot Pose2d as measured by vision.
      timestamp - Timestamp the measurement was taken as time since startup, should be taken from Timer.getFPGATimestamp() or similar sources.
    • getSwerveController

      public SwerveController getSwerveController()
      Helper function to get the swerveController for the SwerveDrive which can be used to generate ChassisSpeeds for the robot to orient it correctly given axis or angles, and apply SlewRateLimiter to given inputs. Important functions to look at are SwerveController.getTargetSpeeds(double, double, double, double, double), SwerveController.addSlewRateLimiters(SlewRateLimiter, SlewRateLimiter, SlewRateLimiter), SwerveController.getRawTargetSpeeds(double, double, double).
      SwerveController for the SwerveDrive.
    • getModules

      public SwerveModule[] getModules()
      Get the SwerveModules associated with the SwerveDrive.
      SwerveModule array specified by configurations.
    • getModuleMap

      public Map<String,SwerveModule> getModuleMap()
      Get the SwerveModule's as a HashMap where the key is the swerve module configuration name.
      HashMap(Module Name, SwerveModule)
    • resetDriveEncoders

      public void resetDriveEncoders()
      Reset the drive encoders on the robot, useful when manually resetting the robot without a reboot, like in autonomous.
    • pushOffsetsToControllers

      public void pushOffsetsToControllers()
      Pushes the Absolute Encoder offsets to the Encoder or Motor Controller, depending on type. Also removes the internal offsets to prevent double offsetting.
    • restoreInternalOffset

      public void restoreInternalOffset()
      Restores Internal YAGSL Encoder offsets and sets the Encoder stored offset back to 0
    • setCosineCompensator

      public void setCosineCompensator(boolean enabled)
      Enable or disable the SwerveModuleConfiguration.useCosineCompensator for all SwerveModule's in the swerve drive. The cosine compensator will slow down or speed up modules that are close to their desired state in theory.
      enabled - Usage of the cosine compensator.