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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


m_anglePosition - Static variable in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Tracks the rotations of an angular motor
m_angleVoltageSetter - Variable in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Motion magic angle voltage setter.
m_angVelocity - Static variable in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Tracks the velocity of an angular motor
m_appliedVoltage - Static variable in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Tracks the voltage being applied to a motor
m_distance - Static variable in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Tracks the distance travelled of a position motor
m_velocity - Static variable in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Tracks the velocity of a positional motor
m_velocityVoltageSetter - Variable in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Velocity voltage setter for controlling drive motor.
MACHINE - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
Only send the machine readable data related to swerve drive.
magnetFieldLessThanIdeal - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
An Alert for if the CANCoder magnet field is less than ideal.
mass - Variable in class swervelib.math.Matter
Mass in kg of object.
massMoment() - Method in class swervelib.math.Matter
Get the center mass of the object.
Matter - Class in swervelib.math
Object with significant mass that needs to be taken into account.
Matter(Translation3d, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.math.Matter
Construct an object representing some significant matter on the robot.
max - Variable in class swervelib.parser.deserializer.PIDFRange
Maximum value.
maxAngularVelocity - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration
Maximum angular velocity in rad/s
maxAngularVelocity - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The maximum achievable angular velocity of the robot.
maximumRetries - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
The maximum amount of times the swerve encoder will attempt to configure itself if failures occur.
maximumRetries - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
The maximum amount of times the swerve motor will attempt to configure a motor if failures occur.
maxSpeed - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Maximum speed of the drive motors in meters per second.
maxSpeed - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The maximum achievable speed of the modules, used to adjust the size of the vectors.
maxSpeedMPS - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Maximum speed of the robot in meters per second.
measuredChassisSpeeds - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The maximum achievable angular velocity of the robot.
measuredStates - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
An array of rotation and velocity values describing the measured state of each swerve module
min - Variable in class swervelib.parser.deserializer.PIDFRange
Minimum value.
moduleConfigs - Static variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Module number mapped to the JSON name.
moduleCount - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Number of modules on the robot.
moduleCount - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The number of swerve modules
ModuleJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json
SwerveModule JSON parsed class.
ModuleJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
moduleJsons - Static variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Array holding the module jsons given in SwerveDriveJson.
moduleLocation - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Swerve module location relative to the robot.
moduleLocationsMeters - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Swerve Module locations.
moduleNumber - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Module number for kinematics, usually 0 to 3.
modules - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson
Module JSONs in order clockwise order starting from front left.
modules - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Swerve Modules.
moduleSynchronizationCounter - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Counter to synchronize the modules relative encoder with absolute encoder when not moving.
motor - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
SparkMAX Instance.
motor - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
SparkMAX Instance.
motor - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
SparkMAX Instance.
motor - Variable in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
TalonFX motor controller.
motor - Variable in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
TalonSRX motor controller.
MotorConfigDouble - Class in swervelib.parser.json
Used to store doubles for motor configuration.
MotorConfigDouble() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigDouble
Default constructor.
MotorConfigDouble(double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigDouble
Default constructor.
MotorConfigInt - Class in swervelib.parser.json
Used to store ints for motor configuration.
MotorConfigInt() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigInt
Default constructor.
MotorConfigInt(int, int) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigInt
Default constructor with values.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values