All Classes and Interfaces

IMU Swerve class for the ADIS16448_IMU device.
IMU Swerve class for the ADIS16470_IMU device.
IMU Swerve class for the ADXRS450_Gyro device.
Class for managing persistent alerts to be sent over NetworkTables.
Represents an alert's level of urgency.
Sendable alert for advantage scope.
Swerve Absolute Encoder for Thrifty Encoders and other analog encoders.
Creates a IMU for AnalogGyro devices, only uses yaw.
Inverted motor JSON parsed class.
Cache for frequently requested data.
HELIUM Canandcoder from ReduxRobotics absolute encoder, attached through the CAN bus.
Swerve Absolute Encoder for CTRE CANCoders.
SwerveController parsed class.
Device JSON parsed class.
Location JSON parsed class.
Object with significant mass that needs to be taken into account.
SwerveModule JSON parsed class.
Used to store doubles for motor configuration.
Used to store ints for motor configuration.
Communicates with the NavX as the IMU.
Hold the PIDF and Integral Zone values for a PID.
SwerveModule PID with Feedforward for the drive motor and angle motor.
Class to hold the minimum and maximum input or output of the PIDF.
SwerveIMU interface for the Pigeon2
SwerveIMU interface for the Pigeon.
DutyCycle encoders such as "US Digital MA3 with PWM Output, the CTRE Mag Encoder, the Rev Hex Encoder, and the AM Mag Encoder." attached via a PWM lane.
An implementation of CANSparkFlex as a SwerveMotor.
REV Slots for PID configuration.
SparkMax absolute encoder, attached through the data port analog pin.
Brushed motor control with SparkMax.
SparkMax absolute encoder, attached through the data port.
An implementation of CANSparkMax as a SwerveMotor.
REV Slots for PID configuration.
Swerve abstraction class to define a standard interface with absolute encoders for swerve modules..
Controller class used to convert raw inputs into robot speeds.
Swerve Controller configuration class which is used to configure SwerveController.
Swerve Drive class representing and controlling the swerve drive.
Swerve drive configurations used during SwerveDrive construction.
SwerveDrive JSON parsed class.
Telemetry to describe the SwerveDrive following frc-web-components.
Verbosity of telemetry data sent back.
Class to perform tests on the swerve drive.
Swerve IMU abstraction to define a standard interface with a swerve drive.
Simulation for SwerveDrive IMU.
Mathematical functions which pertain to swerve drive.
The Swerve Module class which represents and controls Swerve Modules for the swerve drive.
Swerve Module configuration class which is used to configure SwerveModule.
Configuration class which stores physical characteristics shared between every swerve module.
Class to hold simulation data for SwerveModule
Swerve motor abstraction which defines a standard interface for motors within a swerve module.
Helper class used to parse the JSON directory with specified configuration options.
TalonFX Swerve Motor.
WPI_TalonSRX Swerve Motor.