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absoluteEncoder - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Absolute encoder attached to the SparkFlex (if exists)
absoluteEncoder - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Absolute encoder attached to the SparkMax (if exists)
absoluteEncoder - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
The Absolute Encoder for the swerve module.
absoluteEncoderInverted - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Absolute encoder inversion state.
absoluteEncoderInverted - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Whether the absolute encoder is inverted.
absoluteEncoderOffset - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Absolute encoder offset from 0 in degrees.
absolutePositionCache - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Absolute encoder position cache.
addSlewRateLimiters(SlewRateLimiter, SlewRateLimiter, SlewRateLimiter) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Add slew rate limiters to all controls.
addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Add a vision measurement to the SwerveDrivePoseEstimator and update the SwerveIMU gyro reading with the given timestamp of the vision measurement.
addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d, double, Matrix<N3, N1>) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Add a vision measurement to the SwerveDrivePoseEstimator and update the SwerveIMU gyro reading with the given timestamp of the vision measurement.
ADIS16448Swerve - Class in swervelib.imu
IMU Swerve class for the ADIS16448_IMU device.
ADIS16448Swerve() - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Construct the ADIS16448 imu and reset default configurations.
ADIS16470Swerve - Class in swervelib.imu
IMU Swerve class for the ADIS16470_IMU device.
ADIS16470Swerve() - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Construct the ADIS16470 imu and reset default configurations.
ADXRS450Swerve - Class in swervelib.imu
IMU Swerve class for the ADXRS450_Gyro device.
ADXRS450Swerve() - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Construct the ADXRS450 imu and reset default configurations.
aim(Pose2d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Aim the SwerveDrive at this pose while driving.
aimWhile(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Enable aiming while the trigger is true.
aimWhile(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Enable aiming while the trigger is true.
allianceRelativeControl(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Modify the output ChassisSpeeds so that it is always relative to your alliance.
allianceRelativeControl(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Modify the output ChassisSpeeds so that it is always relative to your alliance.
AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
Swerve Absolute Encoder for Thrifty Encoders and other analog encoders.
AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Construct the Encoder given the analog input channel.
AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve(AnalogInput) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Construct the Thrifty Encoder as a Swerve Absolute Encoder.
AnalogGyroSwerve - Class in swervelib.imu
Creates a IMU for AnalogGyro devices, only uses yaw.
AnalogGyroSwerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Analog port in which the gyroscope is connected.
angle - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Angle motor device configuration.
angle - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.BoolMotorJson
Angle motor inversion state.
angle - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.ConversionFactorsJson
Angle motor conversion factors composition.
angle - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigDouble
Angle motor.
angle - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigInt
Angle motor.
angle - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PIDFPropertiesJson
The PIDF with Integral Zone used for the angle motor.
AngleConversionFactorsJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json.modules
Angle motor conversion factors composite JSON parse class.
AngleConversionFactorsJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.modules.AngleConversionFactorsJson
angleFrictionVoltage - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
The minimum voltage to spin the module or wheel.
angleJoystickRadiusDeadband - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ControllerPropertiesJson
The minimum radius of the angle control joystick to allow for heading adjustment of the robot.
angleJoyStickRadiusDeadband - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration
hypotenuse deadband for the robot angle control joystick.
angleLimiter - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveController
SlewRateLimiter for angular movement in radians/second.
angleModules(SwerveDrive, Rotation2d) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Set the angle of the modules to a given Rotation2d
angleMotor - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
The drive motor and angle motor of this swerve module.
angleMotorCurrentLimit - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Current limits for the Swerve Module.
angleMotorInverted - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
State of inversion of the angle motor.
angleMotorRampRate - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
The time it takes for the motor to go from 0 to full throttle in seconds.
angleOffset - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Angle offset in degrees for the Swerve Module.
anglePIDF - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
PIDF configuration options for the angle motor closed-loop PID controller.
angularVelocityCoefficient - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Angular Velocity Correction Coefficent (expected values between -0.15 and 0.15).
angularVelocityCorrection - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Correct for skew that scales with angular velocity in, double, boolean, boolean)
angularVelocitySkewCorrection(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Correct for skew that worsens as angular velocity increases
antiJitter(SwerveModuleState, SwerveModuleState, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Perform anti-jitter within modules if the speed requested is too low.
applyAntiJitter(SwerveModuleState, boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Apply anti-jitter to the desired state.
applyDeadband(double, boolean, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Algebraically apply a deadband using a piece wise function.
applyStateOptimizations(SwerveModuleState) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Apply the SwerveModuleState.optimize(Rotation2d) function if the module state optimization is enabled while debugging.
autonomousAngularVelocityCorrection - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Correct for skew that scales with angular velocity in SwerveDrive.setChassisSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds chassisSpeeds) during auto.
autonomousChassisVelocityCorrection - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Correct chassis velocity in SwerveDrive.setChassisSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds chassisSpeeds) (auto) using 254's correction during auto.


BoolMotorJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json.modules
Inverted motor JSON parsed class.
BoolMotorJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.modules.BoolMotorJson
burnFlash() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Save the configurations from flash to EEPROM.
burnFlash() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Save the configurations from flash to EEPROM.
burnFlash() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Save the configurations from flash to EEPROM.
burnFlash() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Save the configurations from flash to EEPROM.
burnFlash() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Save the configurations from flash to EEPROM.
burnFlash() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Save the configurations from flash to EEPROM.
burnFlash() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Save the configurations from flash to EEPROM.
burnFlash() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Save the configurations from flash to EEPROM.


Cache<T> - Class in swervelib.parser
Cache for frequently requested data.
Cache(Supplier<T>, long) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.Cache
Cache for arbitrary values.
calculate() - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.AngleConversionFactorsJson
Calculate the drive conversion factor.
calculate() - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.DriveConversionFactorsJson
Calculate the drive conversion factor.
calculateDegreesPerSteeringRotation(double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Calculate the degrees per steering rotation for the integrated encoder.
calculateDegreesPerSteeringRotation(double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Calculate the degrees per steering rotation for the integrated encoder.
calculateMaxAcceleration(double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Calculate the practical maximum acceleration of the robot using the wheel coefficient of friction.
calculateMaxAcceleration(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Calculate the maximum theoretical acceleration without friction.
calculateMaxAngularVelocity(double, double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Calculate the maximum angular velocity.
calculateMetersPerRotation(double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Calculate the meters per rotation for the integrated encoder.
calculateMetersPerRotation(double, double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Calculate the meters per rotation for the integrated encoder.
CanandgyroSwerve - Class in swervelib.imu
SwerveIMU interface for the Boron Canandgyro by Redux Robotics
CanandgyroSwerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Generate the SwerveIMU for Canandgyro.
CanAndMagSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
HELIUM Canandmag from ReduxRobotics absolute encoder, attached through the CAN bus.
CanAndMagSwerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
Create the Canandmag
canbus - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.DeviceJson
The CAN bus name which the device resides on if using CAN.
CANCoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
Swerve Absolute Encoder for CTRE CANCoders.
CANCoderSwerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Initialize the CANCoder on the standard CANBus.
CANCoderSwerve(int, String) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Initialize the CANCoder on the CANivore.
canIdWarning - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
An Alert for if the CAN ID is greater than 40.
centerModules(SwerveDrive) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Set the modules to center to 0.
chassisVelocityCorrection - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Correct chassis velocity in, double, boolean, boolean) using 254's correction.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Clear sticky faults on the encoder.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
Clear sticky faults on the encoder.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Clear sticky faults on the encoder.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Clear sticky faults on the encoder.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
Clear sticky faults on the encoder.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Clear sticky faults on the encoder.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Clear sticky faults on the encoder.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Clear sticky faults on the encoder.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Clear sticky faults.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Clear sticky faults on IMU.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Clear sticky faults on IMU.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Clear sticky faults on IMU.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Clear sticky faults on IMU.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Clear sticky faults on Canandgyro.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Clear sticky faults on IMU.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Clear sticky faults on Pigeon2.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Clear sticky faults on IMU.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Clear sticky faults on IMU.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Clear sticky faults on IMU.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Clear the sticky faults on the motor controller.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Clear the sticky faults on the motor controller.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Clear the sticky faults on the motor controller.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Clear the sticky faults on the motor controller.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Clear the sticky faults on the motor controller.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Clear the sticky faults on the motor controller.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Clear the sticky faults on the motor controller.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Clear the sticky faults on the motor controller.
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
close() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
close() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Closes handles for unit testing.
close() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
close() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
close() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
config - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveController
SwerveControllerConfiguration object storing data to generate the PIDController for controlling the robot heading, and deadband for heading joystick.
configuration - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Swerve module configuration options.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Configure the absolute encoder to read from [0, 360) per second.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
Configure the CANandMag to read from [0, 360) per second.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Configure the absolute encoder to read from [0, 360) per second.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Configure the inversion state of the encoder.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
Configure the absolute encoder to read from [0, 360) per second.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Configure the absolute encoder to read from [0, 360) per second.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Configure the absolute encoder to read from [0, 360) per second.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Configure the absolute encoder to read from [0, 360) per second.
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
configure(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Configure the absolute encoder.
configureCANStatusFrames(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the CAN status frames.
configureCANStatusFrames(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the CAN status frames.
configureCANStatusFrames(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the CAN status frames.
configureIntegratedEncoder(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Configure the integrated encoder for the swerve module.
configureIntegratedEncoder(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Configure the integrated encoder for the swerve module.
configureIntegratedEncoder(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Configure the integrated encoder for the swerve module.
configureIntegratedEncoder(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Configure the integrated encoder for the swerve module.
configureIntegratedEncoder(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Configure the integrated encoder for the swerve module.
configureIntegratedEncoder(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Configure the integrated encoder for the swerve module.
configureIntegratedEncoder(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Configure the integrated encoder for the swerve module.
configureIntegratedEncoder(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
configureModuleSimulation(SwerveModuleSimulation, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Configure the SwerveModule.simModule with the MapleSim SwerveModuleSimulation
configurePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Configure the PIDF values for the closed loop controller.
configurePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Configure the PIDF values for the closed loop controller.
configurePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Configure the PIDF values for the closed loop controller.
configurePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Configure the PIDF values for the closed loop controller.
configurePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Configure the PIDF values for the closed loop controller.
configurePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Configure the PIDF values for the closed loop controller.
configurePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Configure the PIDF values for the closed loop controller.
configurePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Configure the PIDF values for the closed loop controller.
configurePIDWrapping(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Configure the PID wrapping for the position closed loop controller.
configurePIDWrapping(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Configure the PID wrapping for the position closed loop controller.
configurePIDWrapping(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Configure the PID wrapping for the position closed loop controller.
configurePIDWrapping(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Configure the PID wrapping for the position closed loop controller.
configurePIDWrapping(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Configure the PID wrapping for the position closed loop controller.
configurePIDWrapping(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Configure the PID wrapping for the position closed loop controller.
configurePIDWrapping(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Configure the PID wrapping for the position closed loop controller.
configurePIDWrapping(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Configure the PID wrapping for the position closed loop controller.
configureSimModule(SwerveModuleSimulation, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics) - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
Configure the maple sim module
controllerPropertiesJson - Static variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Parsed controllerproperties.json
ControllerPropertiesJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json
SwerveController parsed class.
ControllerPropertiesJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.ControllerPropertiesJson
conversionFactor - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
conversionFactor - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
conversionFactors - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Conversion Factors composition.
conversionFactors - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
Conversion Factors composition.
conversionFactors - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Conversion factor for drive motor onboard PID's and angle PID's.
ConversionFactorsJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json.modules
Conversion Factors parsed JSON class
ConversionFactorsJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.modules.ConversionFactorsJson
convertToNativeSensorUnits(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Convert the setpoint into native sensor units.
copy() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Copy the SwerveInputStream object.
createConfigCustomTimeout(double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Creates a SysIdRoutine.Config with a custom final timeout
createControllerConfiguration(SwerveDriveConfiguration, double) - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.ControllerPropertiesJson
Create the SwerveControllerConfiguration based on parsed and given data.
createDriveFeedforward(double, double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Create the drive feedforward for swerve modules.
createEncoder(SwerveMotor) - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.DeviceJson
Create a SwerveAbsoluteEncoder from the current configuration.
createIMU() - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.DeviceJson
Create a SwerveIMU from the given configuration.
createModuleConfiguration(PIDFConfig, PIDFConfig, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics, String) - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Create the swerve module configuration based off of parsed data.
createModules(SwerveModuleConfiguration[]) - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Create modules based off of the SwerveModuleConfiguration.
createMotor(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.DeviceJson
Create a SwerveMotor from the given configuration.
createPhysicalProperties() - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
Create the physical characteristics based off the parsed data.
createPIDController() - Method in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Create a PIDController from the PID values.
createSwerveDrive(double) - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Create SwerveDrive from JSON configuration directory.
createSwerveDrive(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Create SwerveDrive from JSON configuration directory.
createSwerveDrive(double, Pose2d) - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Create SwerveDrive from JSON configuration directory.
cubeRotationControllerAxis(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Cube the angular velocity controller axis for a non-linear controls scheme.
cubeRotationControllerAxis(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Cube the angular velocity controller axis for a non-linear controls scheme.
cubeTranslation(Translation2d) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Cube the Translation2d magnitude given in Polar coordinates.
cubeTranslationControllerAxis(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Cube the translation axis magnitude for a non-linear control scheme
cubeTranslationControllerAxis(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Cube the translation axis magnitude for a non-linear control scheme.
currentLimit - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
The current limit in AMPs to apply to the motors.


d - Variable in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Derivative Gain for PID.
deadband(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Set a deadband for all controller axis.
desiredChassisSpeeds - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Describes the desired forward, sideways and angular velocity of the robot.
desiredChassisSpeedsObj - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Describes the desired forward, sideways and angular velocity of the robot.
desiredStates - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
An array of rotation and velocity values describing the desired state of each swerve module
desiredStatesObj - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Desired swerve module states object
DeviceJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json
Device JSON parsed class.
DeviceJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.DeviceJson
diameter - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.DriveConversionFactorsJson
Diameter of the wheel in inches.
DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
DutyCycle encoders such as "US Digital MA3 with DIO Output, the CTRE Mag Encoder, the Rev Hex Encoder, and the AM Mag Encoder." attached via a DIO lane.
DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Constructor for the DIO duty cycle encoder.
disablePIDWrapping() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Disable PID Wrapping on the motor.
disablePIDWrapping() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Disable PID Wrapping on the motor.
disablePIDWrapping() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Disable PID Wrapping on the motor.
disablePIDWrapping() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Disable PID Wrapping on the motor.
disablePIDWrapping() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Disable PID Wrapping on the motor.
disablePIDWrapping() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Disable PID Wrapping on the motor.
disablePIDWrapping() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Disable PID Wrapping on the motor.
disablePIDWrapping() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Disable PID Wrapping on the motor.
drive - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Drive motor device configuration.
drive - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.BoolMotorJson
Drive motor inversion state.
drive - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.ConversionFactorsJson
Drive motor conversion factors composition.
drive - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigDouble
Drive motor.
drive - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigInt
Drive motor.
drive - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PIDFPropertiesJson
The PIDF with Integral Zone used for the drive motor.
drive(Translation2d, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
The primary method for controlling the drivebase.
drive(Translation2d, double, boolean, boolean, Translation2d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
The primary method for controlling the drivebase.
drive(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Secondary method for controlling the drivebase.
drive(ChassisSpeeds, boolean, Translation2d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
The primary method for controlling the drivebase.
drive(ChassisSpeeds, Translation2d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Secondary method for controlling the drivebase.
drive(ChassisSpeeds, SwerveModuleState[], Force[]) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Drive the robot using the SwerveModuleState, it is recommended to have SwerveDrive.setCosineCompensator(boolean) set to false for this.
DriveConversionFactorsJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json.modules
Drive motor composite JSON parse class.
DriveConversionFactorsJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.modules.DriveConversionFactorsJson
driveFieldOriented(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Secondary method of controlling the drive base given velocity and adjusting it for field oriented use.
driveFieldOriented(ChassisSpeeds, Translation2d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Secondary method of controlling the drive base given velocity and adjusting it for field oriented use.
driveFieldOrientedAndRobotOriented(ChassisSpeeds, ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Tertiary method of controlling the drive base given velocity in both field oriented and robot oriented at the same time.
driveFrictionVoltage - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
The minimum voltage to spin the module or wheel.
driveMotor - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
The drive motor and angle motor of this swerve module.
driveMotorCurrentLimit - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Current limits for the Swerve Module.
driveMotorInverted - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
State of inversion of the drive motor.
driveMotorRampRate - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
The time it takes for the motor to go from 0 to full throttle in seconds.
drivePositionCache - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Drive motor position cache.
driveVelocityCache - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Drive motor velocity cache.


encoder - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Encoder as Analog Input.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
The Canandmag representing the CANandMag on the CAN bus.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
CANCoder with WPILib sendable and support.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
The AbsoluteEncoder representing the duty cycle encoder attached to the SparkFlex.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
The SparkAnalogSensor representing the duty cycle encoder attached to the SparkMax analog port.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
The AbsoluteEncoder representing the duty cycle encoder attached to the SparkMax.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Integrated encoder.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Integrated encoder.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Integrated encoder.
encoder - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Absolute encoder device configuration.
endCtrlCycle() - Static method in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Update the Control cycle time.
endOdomCycle() - Static method in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Update the odom cycle time.


f - Variable in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Feedforward value for PID.
factor - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.AngleConversionFactorsJson
Calculated or given conversion factor.
factor - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.DriveConversionFactorsJson
Calculated conversion factor.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Reset the encoder to factory defaults.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
Reset the encoder to factory defaults.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Reset the encoder to factory defaults.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Reset the encoder to factory defaults.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
Reset the encoder to factory defaults.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Reset the encoder to factory defaults.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Reset the encoder to factory defaults.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Reset the encoder to factory defaults.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Set factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Reset IMU to factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Reset IMU to factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Reset IMU to factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Reset IMU to factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Reset Canandgyro to factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Reset offset to current gyro reading.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Reset Pigeon2 to factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Reset IMU to factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Reset IMU to factory default.
factoryDefault() - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Reset IMU to factory default.
factoryDefaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Configure the factory defaults.
factoryDefaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Configure the factory defaults.
factoryDefaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Configure the factory defaults.
factoryDefaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Configure the factory defaults.
factoryDefaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Configure the factory defaults.
factoryDefaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Configure the factory defaults.
factoryDefaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Configure the factory defaults.
factoryDefaults() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set factory defaults on the motor controller.
field - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Field object.
findCouplingRatio(SwerveDrive, double, boolean) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Find the coupling ratio for all modules.
findDriveMotorKV(SwerveDrive, double, double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Find the minimum amount of power required to move the swerve drive motors.
forwardDirection - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The direction the robot should be facing when the "Robot Rotation" is zero or blank.
friction - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
Minimum voltage to spin the module or wheel.
front - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.LocationJson
Location of the swerve module in inches from the center of the robot horizontally.


gearRatio - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.AngleConversionFactorsJson
Gear ratio for the angle/steering/azimuth motor on the Swerve Module.
gearRatio - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.DriveConversionFactorsJson
Gear ratio for the drive motor rotations to turn the wheel 1 complete rotation.
generateSysIdCommand(SysIdRoutine, double, double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Creates a command that can be mapped to a button or other trigger.
get() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Get the instantiated absolute encoder Object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
Get the instantiated absolute encoder Object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Get the instantiated absolute encoder Object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Get the encoder object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
Get the instantiated absolute encoder Object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Get the instantiated absolute encoder Object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Get the instantiated absolute encoder Object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Get the instantiated absolute encoder Object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Get the instantiated absolute encoder Object.
getAbsoluteEncoder() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
getAbsoluteEncoderReadIssue() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get if the last Absolute Encoder had a read issue, such as it does not exist.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Get the absolute position of the encoder.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the absolute position.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in m/s/s.
getAccel() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets current acceleration of the robot in m/s/s.
getAngleMotor() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the angle SwerveMotor for the SwerveModule.
getAngleMotorSim() - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Get the DCMotor corresponding to the first module configuration.
getAnglePIDF() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the current angle/azimuth/steering motor PIDF values.
getAppliedOutput() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Get the applied dutycycle output.
getAppliedOutput() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Get the applied dutycycle output.
getAppliedOutput() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Get the applied dutycycle output.
getAppliedOutput() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Get the applied dutycycle output.
getAppliedOutput() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Get the applied dutycycle output.
getAppliedOutput() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Get the applied dutycycle output.
getAppliedOutput() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Get the applied dutycycle output.
getAppliedOutput() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getConfig() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Get the current configuration of the SparkFlex
getConfig() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Get the current configuration of the SparkMax
getConfig() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Get the current configuration of the SparkMax
getConfiguration() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Fetch the SwerveModuleConfiguration for the SwerveModule with the parsed configurations.
getDefaultFeedforward() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the default SimpleMotorFeedforward for the swerve module drive motor.
getDriveBaseRadiusMeters() - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Calculate the Drive Base Radius
getDriveMotor() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the drive SwerveMotor for the SwerveModule.
getDriveMotorSim() - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Get the DCMotor corresponding to the first module's configuration.
getDrivePIDF() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the current drive motor PIDF values.
getFieldVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the measured field-relative robot velocity (x, y and omega)
getGyro() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Getter for the SwerveIMU.
getGyroRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Gets the estimated gyro Rotation3d of the robot.
getGyroRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the current gyro Rotation3d of the robot, as reported by the imu.
getGyroSim() - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Get the gyro simulation for the robot.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Get the instantiated IMU object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Get the instantiated IMU object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Get the instantiated IMU object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Get the instantiated IMU object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Get the instantiated Canandgyro IMU object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Get the instantiated NavX(AHRS) IMU object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Get the instantiated Pigeon2 object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Get the instantiated WPI_PigeonIMU IMU object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Get the instantiated WPI_PigeonIMU IMU object.
getIMU() - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Get the instantiated IMU object.
getJoystickAngle(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Get the angle in radians based off of the heading joysticks.
getMapleSimDrive() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the maple-sim drivetrain simulation instance This is used to add intake simulation / launch game pieces from the robot
getMaxAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the maximum module angular velocity as a AngularVelocity based on the RPM and gear ratio.
getMaxDriveVelocityMetersPerSecond() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the maximum drive velocity of the module in Meters Per Second.
getMaximumChassisAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Get the maximum angular velocity, either SwerveDrive.attainableMaxRotationalVelocityRadiansPerSecond or SwerveControllerConfiguration.maxAngularVelocity, whichever is the lower limit on the robot's speed.
getMaximumChassisVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Get the maximum velocity from SwerveDrive.attainableMaxTranslationalSpeedMetersPerSecond or SwerveDrive.maxChassisSpeedMPS whichever is the lower limit on the robot's speed.
getMaximumModuleAngleVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Get the maximum angular velocity of an azimuth/angle motor in the swerve module.
getMaximumModuleDriveVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Get the maximum drive velocity of a module as a LinearVelocity.
getMaxVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the maximum module velocity as a LinearVelocity based on the RPM and gear ratio.
getModuleConfigurationByName(String, SwerveDriveConfiguration) - Static method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Get the swerve module by the json name.
getModuleMap() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Get the SwerveModule's as a HashMap where the key is the swerve module configuration name.
getModulePositions() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the current module positions (azimuth and wheel position (meters)).
getModules() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Get the SwerveModules associated with the SwerveDrive.
getModuleStateOptimization() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Check if the module state optimization used by SwerveModuleState.optimize(Rotation2d) is enabled.
getMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Get the motor object from the module.
getMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Get the motor object from the module.
getMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Get the motor object from the module.
getMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Get the motor object from the module.
getMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Get the motor object from the module.
getMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Get the motor object from the module.
getMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Get the motor object from the module.
getMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Get the motor object from the module.
getOdometryHeading() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Fetch the latest odometry heading, should be trusted over SwerveDrive.getYaw().
getPitch() - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Pitch is not simulated currently, always returns 0.
getPitch() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the current pitch angle of the robot, as reported by the imu.
getPose() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the measured pose (position and rotation) of the robot, as reported by odometry.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Get the position of the integrated encoder.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Get the position of the integrated encoder.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Get the position of the integrated encoder.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Get the position of the integrated encoder.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Get the position of the integrated encoder.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Get the position of the integrated encoder.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Get the position of the integrated encoder.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Get the position of the integrated encoder.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
Get the simulated swerve module position.
getPosition() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the position of the swerve module.
getRawAbsolutePosition() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the absolute position.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU without any zeroing.
getRawTargetSpeeds(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Get the ChassisSpeeds based of raw speeds desired in meters/second and heading in radians.
getRawTargetSpeeds(double, double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Get the ChassisSpeeds based of raw speeds desired in meters/second and heading in radians.
getRelativePosition() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the relative angle in degrees.
getRobotVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the current robot-relative velocity (x, y and omega) of the robot
getRoll() - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Roll is not simulated currently, always returns 0.
getRoll() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the current roll angle of the robot, as reported by the imu.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getRotation3d() - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Fetch the Rotation3d from the IMU.
getSimModule() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Obtains the SwerveModuleSimulation used in simulation.
getSimMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Get the DCMotor of the motor class.
getSimMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Get the DCMotor of the motor class.
getSimMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Get the DCMotor of the motor class.
getSimMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Get the DCMotor of the motor class.
getSimMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Get the DCMotor of the motor class.
getSimMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Get the DCMotor of the motor class.
getSimMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Get the DCMotor of the motor class.
getSimMotor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
getSimulationDriveTrainPose() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the actual pose of the drivetrain during simulation
getState() - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
Get the SwerveModuleState of the simulated module.
getState() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Get the Swerve Module state.
getStates() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the current module states (azimuth and velocity)
getSwerveController() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Helper function to get the SwerveDrive.swerveController for the SwerveDrive which can be used to generate ChassisSpeeds for the robot to orient it correctly given axis or angles, and apply SlewRateLimiter to given inputs.
getSwerveModule(SwerveModule[], boolean, boolean) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Get the fruthest module from center based on the module locations.
getSwerveModulePoses(Pose2d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Get the swerve module poses and on the field relative to the robot.
getTargetSpeeds(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Get the chassis speeds based on controller input of 1 joystick [-1,1] and an angle.
getTargetSpeeds(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Get the chassis speeds based on controller input of 2 joysticks.
getTracklength() - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Get the tracklength of the swerve modules.
getTrackwidth() - Method in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Get the trackwidth of the swerve modules.
getTranslation2d(ChassisSpeeds) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Helper function to get the Translation2d of the chassis speeds given the ChassisSpeeds.
getValue() - Method in class swervelib.parser.Cache
Get the most up to date cached value.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Get the velocity in degrees/sec.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
Get the velocity in degrees/sec.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Get the velocity in degrees/sec.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
Get the velocity in degrees/sec.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
Get the velocity in degrees/sec.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Get the velocity in degrees/sec.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Get the velocity in degrees/sec.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Get the velocity in degrees/sec.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Get the absolute encoder velocity.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Get the velocity of the integrated encoder.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Get the velocity of the integrated encoder.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Get the velocity of the integrated encoder.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Get the velocity of the integrated encoder.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Get the velocity of the integrated encoder.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Get the velocity of the integrated encoder.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Get the velocity of the integrated encoder.
getVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Get the velocity of the integrated encoder.
getVoltage() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getVoltage() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getVoltage() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getVoltage() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getVoltage() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getVoltage() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getVoltage() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getVoltage() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Get the voltage output of the motor controller.
getYaw() - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Get the estimated angle of the robot.
getYaw() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Gets the current yaw angle of the robot, as reported by the imu.
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
getYawAngularVelocity() - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Fetch the rotation rate from the IMU as MutAngularVelocity


heading - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ControllerPropertiesJson
The PID used to control the robot heading.
headingCalculate(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Calculate the angular velocity given the current and target heading angle in radians.
headingCorrection - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Whether to correct heading when driving translationally.
headingOffset(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Heading offset enable
headingOffset(Rotation2d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Set the heading offset angle.
headingOffset(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Heading offset enabled boolean supplier.
headingPIDF - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration
PIDF for the heading of the robot.
headingWhile(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Set the heading enable state.
headingWhile(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Output ChassisSpeeds based on heading while the supplier is True.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
Full swerve drive data is sent back in both human and machine readable forms.


i - Variable in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Integral Gain for PID.
i2cLockupWarning - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
An Alert for if there is an I2C lockup issue on the roboRIO.
id - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.DeviceJson
The CAN ID or pin ID of the device.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson
Robot IMU used to determine heading of the robot.
imu - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Swerve IMU
imuReadingCache - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
IMU reading cache for robot readings.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
Medium telemetry data, swerve directory
invalidateCache() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Invalidate all Cache object used by the SwerveDrive
invalidateCache() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Invalidate the Cache objects used by SwerveModule.
inverted - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Inversion state of the attached encoder.
inverted - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Defines which motors are inverted.
invertedIMU - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson
Invert the IMU of the robot.
isAngleEmpty() - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.ConversionFactorsJson
Check if the conversion factors are set for the angle motor.
isDriveEmpty() - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.ConversionFactorsJson
Check if the conversion factors are set for the drive motor.
isDriveMotor - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Whether the swerve motor is a drive motor.
isSimulation - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
State of simulation of the Robot, used to optimize retrieval.
isStale() - Method in class swervelib.parser.Cache
Return whether the cache is stale.
iz - Variable in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Integral zone of the PID.


kHallSensor - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve.Type
Hall sensor attached to dataport
kinematics - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve Kinematics object.
kNoSensor - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve.Type
NO sensor
kQuadrature - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve.Type
Quad encoder attached to alt


lastAngleScalar - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveController
Last angle as a scalar [-1,1] the robot was set to.
left - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.LocationJson
Location of the swerve module in inches from the center of the robot vertically.
limitVelocity(Translation2d, ChassisSpeeds, Pose2d, double, double, List<Matter>, SwerveDriveConfiguration) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Limits a commanded velocity to prevent exceeding the maximum acceleration given by SwerveMath.calcMaxAccel(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d, java.util.List<swervelib.math.Matter>, double, swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration).
location - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
The location of the swerve module from the center of the robot in inches.
LocationJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json.modules
Location JSON parsed class.
LocationJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.modules.LocationJson
lockPose() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Point all modules toward the robot center, thus making the robot very difficult to move.
logAngularMotorActivity(SwerveModule, SysIdRoutineLog, Supplier<Double>) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Logs info about the angle motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
logAngularMotorDutyCycle(SwerveModule, SysIdRoutineLog) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Logs info about the angle motor to the SysIdRoutineLog.
logAngularMotorVoltage(SwerveModule, SysIdRoutineLog) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Logs info about the angle motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
logDriveMotorActivity(SwerveModule, SysIdRoutineLog, Supplier<Double>) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Logs power, position and velocuty info form the drive motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
logDriveMotorDutyCycle(SwerveModule, SysIdRoutineLog) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Logs output, position and velocuty info form the drive motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
Although SysIdRoutine expects to be logging Voltage, this function logs in Duty-Cycle (percent output) because it results in correctly adjusted values in the analysis for use in this library.
logDriveMotorVoltage(SwerveModule, SysIdRoutineLog) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Logs voltage, position and velocuty info form the drive motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
LOW - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
Low telemetry data, only post the robot position on the field.


MACHINE - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
Only send the machine readable data related to swerve drive.
mapleSimModule - Variable in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
MapleSim module.
mass - Variable in class swervelib.math.Matter
Mass in kg of object.
massMoment() - Method in class swervelib.math.Matter
Get the center mass of the object.
Matter - Class in swervelib.math
Object with significant mass that needs to be taken into account.
Matter(Translation3d, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.math.Matter
Construct an object representing some significant matter on the robot.
max - Variable in class swervelib.parser.deserializer.PIDFRange
Maximum value.
maxAngularVelocity - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration
Maximum chassis angular velocity in rad/s
maxAngularVelocity - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The maximum achievable angular velocity of the robot.
maximumRetries - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
The maximum amount of times the swerve encoder will attempt to configure itself if failures occur.
maximumRetries - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
The maximum amount of times the swerve motor will attempt to configure a motor if failures occur.
maxSpeed - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The maximum achievable speed of the modules, used to adjust the size of the vectors.
measuredChassisSpeeds - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The maximum achievable angular velocity of the robot.
measuredChassisSpeedsObj - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The maximum achievable angular velocity of the robot.
measuredStates - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
An array of rotation and velocity values describing the measured state of each swerve module
measuredStatesObj - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Measured swerve module states object.
min - Variable in class swervelib.parser.deserializer.PIDFRange
Minimum value.
moduleCount - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Number of modules on the robot.
moduleCount - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The number of swerve modules
ModuleJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json
SwerveModule JSON parsed class.
ModuleJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
moduleJsons - Static variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Array holding the module jsons given in SwerveDriveJson.
moduleLocation - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Swerve module location relative to the robot.
moduleLocationsMeters - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Swerve Module locations.
moduleNumber - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Module number for kinematics, usually 0 to 3.
modules - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson
Module JSONs in order clockwise order starting from front left.
modules - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Swerve Modules.
motor - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
The absolute encoder is directly interfaced through the Thrifty Nova motor.
MotorConfigDouble - Class in swervelib.parser.json
Used to store doubles for motor configuration.
MotorConfigDouble() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigDouble
Default constructor.
MotorConfigDouble(double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigDouble
Default constructor.
MotorConfigInt - Class in swervelib.parser.json
Used to store ints for motor configuration.
MotorConfigInt() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigInt
Default constructor.
MotorConfigInt(int, int) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.MotorConfigInt
Default constructor with values.


name - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Name for the swerve module for telemetry.
NavXSwerve - Class in swervelib.imu
Communicates with the NavX(AHRS) as the IMU.
NavXSwerve(AHRS.NavXComType) - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Constructor for the NavX(AHRS) swerve.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
No telemetry data is sent back.
normalizeAngle(double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Normalize an angle to be within 0 to 360.


of(SwerveDrive, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Create basic SwerveInputStream without any rotation components.
offset - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Offset of the absolute encoder.
optimalVoltage - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
The voltage to use for the smart motor voltage compensation, default is 12.
optimalVoltage - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
The voltage to use for the smart motor voltage compensation.
output - Variable in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
The PIDF output range.


p - Variable in class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Proportional Gain for PID.
physicalCharacteristics - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Physical characteristics of the swerve drive from physicalproperties.json.
physicalCharacteristics - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Physical characteristics of the swerve module.
physicalPropertiesJson - Static variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Parsed modules/physicalproperties.json
PhysicalPropertiesJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json
PhysicalPropertiesJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
pid - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Closed-loop PID controller.
pid - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Closed-loop PID controller.
pid - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Closed-loop PID controller.
pid - Variable in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Closed-loop PID controller.
PIDFConfig - Class in swervelib.parser
Hold the PIDF and Integral Zone values for a PID.
PIDFConfig() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
Used when parsing PIDF values from JSON.
PIDFConfig(double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
PIDF Config constructor to contain the values.
PIDFConfig(double, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
PIDF Config constructor to contain the values.
PIDFConfig(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
PIDF Config constructor to contain the values.
PIDFConfig(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.PIDFConfig
PIDF Config constructor to contain the values.
pidfPropertiesJson - Static variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Parsed modules/pidfproperties.json
PIDFPropertiesJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json
SwerveModule PID with Feedforward for the drive motor and angle motor.
PIDFPropertiesJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.PIDFPropertiesJson
PIDFRange - Class in swervelib.parser.deserializer
Class to hold the minimum and maximum input or output of the PIDF.
PIDFRange() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.deserializer.PIDFRange
Pigeon2Swerve - Class in swervelib.imu
SwerveIMU interface for the Pigeon2
Pigeon2Swerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Generate the SwerveIMU for Pigeon2.
Pigeon2Swerve(int, String) - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Generate the SwerveIMU for Pigeon2.
PigeonSwerve - Class in swervelib.imu
SwerveIMU interface for the WPI_PigeonIMU.
PigeonSwerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Generate the SwerveIMU for WPI_PigeonIMU.
PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve - Class in swervelib.imu
SwerveIMU interface for the WPI_PigeonIMU.
PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve(int) - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Generate the SwerveIMU for WPI_PigeonIMU attached to a TalonSRX.
placeInAppropriate0To360Scope(double, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Put an angle within the 360 deg scope of a reference.
POSE - Enum constant in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
Info level + field info
PoseLog(Pose2d) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Logical inverse of the Pose exponential from 254.
position - Variable in class swervelib.math.Matter
Position in meters from robot center in 3d space.
postTrajectory(Trajectory) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Post the trajectory to the field
powerAngleMotorsDutyCycle(SwerveDrive, double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Power the angle motors for the swerve drive to a set percentage.
powerAngleMotorsVoltage(SwerveDrive, double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Power the angle motors for the swerve drive to a set voltage.
powerDriveMotorsDutyCycle(SwerveDrive, double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Power the drive motors for the swerve drive to a set duty cycle percentage.
powerDriveMotorsVoltage(SwerveDrive, double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Power the drive motors for the swerve drive to a set voltage.
pushOffsetsToEncoders() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
pushOffsetsToEncoders() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule


queueSynchronizeEncoders() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Queue synchronization of the integrated angle encoder with the absolute encoder.


rampRate - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
The minimum number of seconds to take for the motor to go from 0 to full throttle.
readingError - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Last angle reading was faulty.
replaceSwerveModuleFeedforward(SimpleMotorFeedforward) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Setup the swerve module feedforward.
resetDriveEncoders() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Reset the drive encoders on the robot, useful when manually resetting the robot without a reboot, like in autonomous.
resetOdometry(Pose2d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Resets odometry to the given pose.
restoreInternalOffset() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
restoreInternalOffset() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Restore internal offset in YAGSL and either sets absolute encoder offset to 0 or restores old value.
robotMass - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
Robot mass in lb (pounds)
robotMassKg - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Robot mass in Kilograms.
robotRelative(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Set the stream to output robot relative ChassisSpeeds
robotRelative(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Set the stream to output robot relative ChassisSpeeds
robotRotation - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The robot's current rotation based on odometry or gyro readings
robotRotationObj - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The robot's current rotation based on odometry or gyro readings
rotationUnit - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The units of the module rotations and robot rotation
runAngleMotorCharacterization(double) - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
Runs a drive motor characterization on the sim module.
runAngleMotorsCharacterizationOnSimModules(SwerveDrive, double) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Set the sim modules to center to 0 and power them to drive in a voltage.
runDriveMotorCharacterization(Rotation2d, double) - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
Runs a drive motor characterization on the sim module.
runDriveMotorsCharacterizationOnSimModules(SwerveDrive, double, boolean) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Set the sim modules to center to 0 and power them to drive in a voltage.


scaleRotation(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Scale the rotation axis input for SwerveInputStream to reduce the range in which they operate.
scaleTranslation(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Scale the translation axis for SwerveInputStream by a constant scalar value.
scaleTranslation(Translation2d, double) - Static method in class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
Scale the Translation2d Polar coordinate magnitude.
serialCommsIssueWarning - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
NavX serial comm issue.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the percentage output.
set(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the percentage output.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoder(SwerveAbsoluteEncoder) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the absolute encoder to be a compatible absolute encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.AnalogAbsoluteEncoderSwerve
Cannot Set the offset of an Analog Absolute Encoder.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
Cannot set the offset of the CANandMag.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Sets the Absolute Encoder Offset within the CANcoder's Memory.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.DIODutyCycleEncoderSwerve
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
Sets the Absolute Encoder Offset inside of the SparkFlex's Memory.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Sets the Absolute Encoder offset at the Encoder Level.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Sets the Absolute Encoder Offset inside of the SparkMax's Memory.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
Sets the Absolute Encoder offset at the Encoder Level.
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
setAbsoluteEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Set the absolute encoder offset.
setAngle(double) - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Set the heading of the robot.
setAngle(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the angle for the module.
setAngleMotorConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the conversion factor for the angle/azimuth motor controller.
setAngleMotorConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the conversion factor for the angle/azimuth motor controller.
setAngleMotorVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setAnglePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the angle/azimuth/steering motor PID
setAngleSysIdRoutine(SysIdRoutine.Config, SubsystemBase, SwerveDrive) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Sets up the SysId runner and logger for the angle motors
setAngularVelocityCompensation(boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Enables angular velocity skew correction in teleop and/or autonomous and sets the angular velocity coefficient for both modes
setAntiJitter(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the antiJitter functionality, if true the modules will NOT auto center.
setAutoCenteringModules(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Enable auto-centering module wheels.
setChassisDiscretization(boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Sets the Chassis discretization seconds as well as enableing/disabling the Chassis velocity correction in teleop and/or auto
setChassisDiscretization(boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Sets the Chassis discretization seconds as well as enableing/disabling the Chassis velocity correction in teleop
setChassisSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set chassis speeds with closed-loop velocity control.
setConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Set the conversion factor of the SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve.
setConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Set the conversion factor of the SparkMaxEncoderSwerve.
setCosineCompensator(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Enable or disable the SwerveModuleConfiguration.useCosineCompensator for all SwerveModule's in the swerve drive.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setCurrentLimit(int) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the current limit for the swerve drive motor, remember this may cause jumping if used in conjunction with voltage compensation.
setDesiredState(SwerveModuleState, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the desired state of the swerve module.
setDesiredState(SwerveModuleState, boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the desired state of the swerve module.
setDriveMotorConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the conversion factor for the drive motor controller.
setDriveMotorConversionFactor(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the conversion factor for the drive motor controller.
setDriveMotorVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setDrivePIDF(PIDFConfig) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the drive PIDF values.
setDriveSysIdRoutine(SysIdRoutine.Config, SubsystemBase, SwerveDrive, double, boolean) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Sets up the SysId runner and logger for the drive motors
setEncoderAutoSynchronize(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Enable auto synchronization for encoders during a match.
setEncoderAutoSynchronize(boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Enable auto synchronization for encoders during a match.
setFeedforward(SimpleMotorFeedforward) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the feedforward attributes to the given parameters.
setGyro(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the expected gyroscope angle using a Rotation3d object.
setGyroOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the gyro scope offset to a desired known rotation.
setHeadingCorrection(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the heading correction capabilities of YAGSL.
setHeadingCorrection(boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the heading correction capabilities of YAGSL.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Set the gyro to invert its default direction
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Set the gyro to invert its default direction.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the motor to be inverted.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setLoopRampRate(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the maximum rate the open/closed loop output can change by.
setMaximumAllowableSpeeds(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the maximum allowable speeds for desaturation.
setMaximumAttainableSpeeds(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the maximum attainable speeds for desaturation.
setMaximumChassisAngularVelocity(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Set a new maximum angular velocity that is different from the auto-generated one.
setModuleEncoderAutoSynchronize(boolean, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Enable auto synchronization for encoders during a match.
setModuleStateOptimization(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set module optimization to be utilized or not.
setModuleStateOptimization(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set utilization of SwerveModuleState.optimize(Rotation2d) which should be disabled for some debugging.
setModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[], boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the module states (azimuth and velocity) directly.
setModulesToRotaryPosition(SwerveDrive) - Static method in class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
Set the modules to their rotary position to allow running sysid and spinning the robot
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the idle mode.
setMotorBrake(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Set the brake mode.
setMotorIdleMode(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Sets the drive motors to brake/coast mode.
setOdometryPeriod(double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the odometry update period in seconds.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16448Swerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADIS16470Swerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.ADXRS450Swerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.AnalogGyroSwerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.NavXSwerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonSwerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.PigeonViaTalonSRXSwerve
Set the gyro offset.
setOffset(Rotation3d) - Method in class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
Set the gyro offset.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setPosition(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the integrated encoder position.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setReference(double, double, double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the closed loop PID controller reference point.
setSelectedFeedbackDevice(FeedbackDevice) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the selected feedback device for the TalonSRX.
settings - Variable in class swervelib.encoders.CanAndMagSwerve
The Canandmag settings object to use.
setVisionMeasurementStdDevs(Matrix<N3, N1>) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Sets the pose estimator's trust of global measurements.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Set the voltage of the motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Set the voltage compensation for the swerve module motor.
setVoltageCompensation(double) - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
simMotor - Variable in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Sim motor to use, defaulted in SwerveMotor.getSimMotor(), but can be overridden here.
sizeFrontBack - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The distance between the front and back modules.
sizeLeftRight - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The distance between the left and right modules.
SparkFlexEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
SparkFlex absolute encoder, attached through the data port.
SparkFlexEncoderSwerve(SwerveMotor, int) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.SparkFlexEncoderSwerve
Create the SparkFlexEncoderSwerve object as a duty cycle from the SparkFlex motor.
SparkFlexSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
An implementation of SparkFlex as a SwerveMotor.
SparkFlexSwerve(int, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Initialize the SwerveMotor as a SparkFlex connected to a Brushless Motor.
SparkFlexSwerve(SparkFlex, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Initialize the swerve motor.
SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
SparkMax absolute encoder, attached through the data port analog pin.
SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve(SwerveMotor, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve
Create the SparkMaxAnalogEncoderSwerve object as a analog sensor from the SparkMax motor data port analog pin.
SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
Brushed motor control with SparkMax.
SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve(int, boolean, SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve.Type, int, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Initialize the SwerveMotor as a SparkMax connected to a Brushless Motor.
SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve(SparkMax, boolean, SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve.Type, int, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Initialize the swerve motor.
SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve.Type - Enum Class in swervelib.motors
Type for encoder for SparkMax
SparkMaxEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
SparkMax absolute encoder, attached through the data port.
SparkMaxEncoderSwerve(SwerveMotor, int) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.SparkMaxEncoderSwerve
Create the SparkMaxEncoderSwerve object as a duty cycle from the SparkMax motor.
SparkMaxSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
An implementation of SparkMax as a SwerveMotor.
SparkMaxSwerve(int, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Initialize the SwerveMotor as a SparkMax connected to a Brushless Motor.
SparkMaxSwerve(SparkMax, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Initialize the swerve motor.
startCtrlCycle() - Static method in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Start the ctrl timer to measure cycle time, independent of periodic loops.
startOdomCycle() - Static method in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Start the odom cycle timer to calculate how long each odom took.
STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class swervelib.encoders.CANCoderSwerve
Wait time for status frames to show up.
STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class swervelib.imu.CanandgyroSwerve
Wait time for status frames to show up.
STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class swervelib.imu.Pigeon2Swerve
Wait time for status frames to show up.
STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Wait time for status frames to show up.
STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Wait time for status frames to show up.
steerRotationalInertia - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
Steer rotational inertia in KilogramMetersSquare.
steerRotationalInertia - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Steer rotational inertia in (KilogramSquareMeters) kg/m_sq.
stopOdometryThread() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Stop the odometry thread in favor of manually updating odometry.
SwerveAbsoluteEncoder - Class in swervelib.encoders
Swerve abstraction class to define a standard interface with absolute encoders for swerve modules..
SwerveAbsoluteEncoder() - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.SwerveAbsoluteEncoder
swerveController - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve controller for controlling heading of the robot.
SwerveController - Class in swervelib
Controller class used to convert raw inputs into robot speeds.
SwerveController(SwerveControllerConfiguration) - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveController
Construct the SwerveController object which is used for determining the speeds of the robot based on controller input.
SwerveControllerConfiguration - Class in swervelib.parser
Swerve Controller configuration class which is used to configure SwerveController.
SwerveControllerConfiguration(SwerveDriveConfiguration, PIDFConfig, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration
Construct the swerve controller configuration.
SwerveControllerConfiguration(SwerveDriveConfiguration, PIDFConfig, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration
Construct the swerve controller configuration.
SwerveDrive - Class in swervelib
Swerve Drive class representing and controlling the swerve drive.
SwerveDrive(SwerveDriveConfiguration, SwerveControllerConfiguration, double, Pose2d) - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Creates a new swerve drivebase subsystem.
swerveDriveConfiguration - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve drive configuration.
SwerveDriveConfiguration - Class in swervelib.parser
Swerve drive configurations used during SwerveDrive construction.
SwerveDriveConfiguration(SwerveModuleConfiguration[], SwerveIMU, boolean, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveDriveConfiguration
Create swerve drive configuration.
swerveDriveJson - Static variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Parsed swervedrive.json
SwerveDriveJson - Class in swervelib.parser.json
SwerveDrive JSON parsed class.
SwerveDriveJson() - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson
swerveDrivePoseEstimator - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Swerve odometry.
SwerveDriveTelemetry - Class in swervelib.telemetry
Telemetry to describe the SwerveDrive following frc-web-components.
SwerveDriveTelemetry() - Constructor for class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity - Enum Class in swervelib.telemetry
Verbosity of telemetry data sent back.
SwerveDriveTest - Class in swervelib
Class to perform tests on the swerve drive.
SwerveDriveTest() - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveDriveTest
SwerveIMU - Class in swervelib.imu
Swerve IMU abstraction to define a standard interface with a swerve drive.
SwerveIMU() - Constructor for class swervelib.imu.SwerveIMU
SwerveIMUSimulation - Class in swervelib.simulation
Simulation for SwerveDrive IMU.
SwerveIMUSimulation(GyroSimulation) - Constructor for class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Create the swerve drive IMU simulation.
SwerveInputStream - Class in swervelib
Helper class to easily transform Controller inputs into workable Chassis speeds.
SwerveInputStream(SwerveDrive, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Create a SwerveInputStream for an easy way to generate ChassisSpeeds from a driver controller.
SwerveInputStream(SwerveDrive, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Create a SwerveInputStream for an easy way to generate ChassisSpeeds from a driver controller.
swervelib - package swervelib
Yet-Another Generic Swerve Library (YAGSL) main package AKA swervelib.
swervelib.encoders - package swervelib.encoders
Absolute encoders for the swerve drive, all implement SwerveAbsoluteEncoder.
swervelib.imu - package swervelib.imu
IMUs used for controlling the robot heading.
swervelib.math - package swervelib.math
Mathematics for swerve drives.
swervelib.motors - package swervelib.motors
Swerve motor controller wrappers which implement SwerveMotor.
swervelib.parser - package swervelib.parser
JSON Parser for YAGSL configurations.
swervelib.parser.deserializer - package swervelib.parser.deserializer
Deserialize specific variables for outside the parser.
swervelib.parser.json - package swervelib.parser.json
JSON Mapped classes for parsing configuration files.
swervelib.parser.json.modules - package swervelib.parser.json.modules
JSON Mapped Configuration types for modules.
swervelib.simulation - package swervelib.simulation
Classes used to simulate the swerve drive.
swervelib.telemetry - package swervelib.telemetry
Telemetry package for sending data to NT4 or SmartDashboard.
SwerveMath - Class in swervelib.math
Mathematical functions which pertain to swerve drive.
SwerveMath() - Constructor for class swervelib.math.SwerveMath
SwerveModule - Class in swervelib
The Swerve Module class which represents and controls Swerve Modules for the swerve drive.
SwerveModule(int, SwerveModuleConfiguration) - Constructor for class swervelib.SwerveModule
Construct the swerve module and initialize the swerve module motors and absolute encoder.
SwerveModuleConfiguration - Class in swervelib.parser
Swerve Module configuration class which is used to configure SwerveModule.
SwerveModuleConfiguration(SwerveMotor, SwerveMotor, ConversionFactorsJson, SwerveAbsoluteEncoder, double, double, double, PIDFConfig, PIDFConfig, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Construct a configuration object for swerve modules.
SwerveModuleConfiguration(SwerveMotor, SwerveMotor, ConversionFactorsJson, SwerveAbsoluteEncoder, double, double, double, PIDFConfig, PIDFConfig, SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics, String, boolean) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Construct a configuration object for swerve modules.
SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics - Class in swervelib.parser
Configuration class which stores physical characteristics shared between every swerve module.
SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics(ConversionFactorsJson, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Construct the swerve module physical characteristics.
SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics(ConversionFactorsJson, double, double, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Construct the swerve module physical characteristics.
SwerveModuleSimulation - Class in swervelib.simulation
Class that wraps around SwerveModuleSimulation
SwerveModuleSimulation() - Constructor for class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
SwerveMotor - Class in swervelib.motors
Swerve motor abstraction which defines a standard interface for motors within a swerve module.
SwerveMotor() - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
SwerveParser - Class in swervelib.parser
Helper class used to parse the JSON directory with specified configuration options.
SwerveParser(File) - Constructor for class swervelib.parser.SwerveParser
Construct a swerve parser.
synchronizeModuleEncoders() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Synchronize angle motor integrated encoders with data from absolute encoders.


TalonFXSSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
TalonFXS Swerve Motor.
TalonFXSSwerve(int, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Construct the TalonFXS swerve motor given the ID.
TalonFXSSwerve(int, String, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Construct the TalonFXS swerve motor given the ID and CANBus.
TalonFXSSwerve(TalonFXS, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Constructor for TalonFXS swerve motor.
TalonFXSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
TalonFX Swerve Motor.
TalonFXSwerve(int, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Construct the TalonFX swerve motor given the ID.
TalonFXSwerve(int, String, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Construct the TalonFX swerve motor given the ID and CANBus.
TalonFXSwerve(TalonFX, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Constructor for TalonFX swerve motor.
TalonSRXEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
Talon SRX attached absolute encoder.
TalonSRXEncoderSwerve(SwerveMotor, FeedbackDevice) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.TalonSRXEncoderSwerve
TalonSRXSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
WPI_TalonSRX Swerve Motor.
TalonSRXSwerve(int, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Construct the TalonSRX swerve motor given the ID.
TalonSRXSwerve(WPI_TalonSRX, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Constructor for TalonSRX swerve motor.
thetaController - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveController
PID Controller for the robot heading.
ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve - Class in swervelib.encoders
Thrifty Nova absolute encoder, attached through the data port.
ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve(SwerveMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.encoders.ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve
Create the ThriftyNovaEncoderSwerve object as an absolute encoder from the ThriftyNovaSwerve motor.
ThriftyNovaSwerve - Class in swervelib.motors
An implementation of ThriftyNova as a SwerveMotor.
ThriftyNovaSwerve(int, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Initialize the SwerveMotor as a ThriftyNova connected to a Brushless Motor.
ThriftyNovaSwerve(ThriftyNova, boolean, DCMotor) - Constructor for class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Initialize the swerve motor.
toServeModuleStates(ChassisSpeeds, boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Convert a ChassisSpeeds to SwerveModuleState for use elsewhere.
translationOnlyWhile(boolean) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Enable locking of rotation and only translating, overrides everything.
translationOnlyWhile(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Enable locking of rotation and only translating, overrides everything.
type - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.DeviceJson
The device type, e.g.


update() - Method in class swervelib.parser.Cache
Update the cache value and timestamp.
updateCacheValidityPeriods(long, long, long) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Update the cache validity period for the robot.
updateConfig(SparkFlexConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Update the config for the SparkFlex
updateConfig(SparkMaxConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Update the config for the SparkMax
updateConfig(SparkMaxConfig) - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Update the config for the SparkMax
updateData() - Static method in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Upload data to smartdashboard
updateOdometry() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Update odometry should be run every loop.
updateOdometry(SwerveDriveKinematics, SwerveModuleState[], Pose2d[], Field2d) - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveIMUSimulation
Update the odometry of the simulated SwerveDrive and post the SwerveModule states to the Field2d.
updateSettings - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Update the telemetry settings that infrequently change.
updateStateAndPosition(SwerveModuleState) - Method in class swervelib.simulation.SwerveModuleSimulation
Update the position and state of the module.
updateSupplier(Supplier<T>) - Method in class swervelib.parser.Cache
Update the supplier to a new source.
updateSwerveTelemetrySettings() - Static method in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
Update only the settings that infrequently or never change.
updateTelemetry() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Update data sent to SmartDashboard.
updateValidityPeriod(long) - Method in class swervelib.parser.Cache
Update the validity period for the cached value, also updates the value.
useCosineCompensator - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.ModuleJson
Should do cosine compensation when not pointing correct direction;.
useCosineCompensator - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
Should do cosine compensation when not pointing correct direction;.
useExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the motor controller closed loop feedback device to the defined external absolute encoder, with the given offset from the supplied configuration, overwriting any native offset.
useExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Use external sensors for the feedback of the angle/azimuth/steer controller.
useInternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Set the motor controller closed loop feedback device to the internal encoder instead of the absolute encoder.
useInternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveModule
Use external sensors for the feedback of the angle/azimuth/steer controller.
usingExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkFlexSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
usingExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
usingExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
usingExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.SwerveMotor
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
usingExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
usingExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonFXSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
usingExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.TalonSRXSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.
usingExternalFeedbackSensor() - Method in class swervelib.motors.ThriftyNovaSwerve
Queries whether the absolute encoder is directly attached to the motor controller.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class swervelib.motors.SparkMaxBrushedMotorSwerve.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry.TelemetryVerbosity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
velocityPIDF - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModuleConfiguration
PIDF configuration options for the drive motor closed-loop PID controller.
verbosity - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The current telemetry verbosity level.


wheelGripCoefficientOfFriction - Variable in class swervelib.parser.json.PhysicalPropertiesJson
The grip tape coefficient of friction on carpet.
wheelGripCoefficientOfFriction - Variable in class swervelib.parser.SwerveModulePhysicalCharacteristics
Wheel grip tape coefficient of friction on carpet, as described by the vendor.
wheelLocations - Static variable in class swervelib.telemetry.SwerveDriveTelemetry
The Locations of the swerve drive wheels.
withControllerHeadingAxis(DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Add heading axis for Heading based control.
withControllerRotationAxis(DoubleSupplier) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveInputStream
Add a rotation axis for Angular Velocity control
withinHypotDeadband(double, double) - Method in class swervelib.SwerveController
Calculate the hypot deadband and check if the joystick is within it.
works() - Method in class swervelib.parser.json.modules.ConversionFactorsJson
Check if the conversion factor can be found.


xLimiter - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveController
SlewRateLimiter for movement in the X direction in meters/second.


yLimiter - Variable in class swervelib.SwerveController
SlewRateLimiter for movement in the Y direction in meters/second.


zeroGyro() - Method in class swervelib.SwerveDrive
Resets the gyro angle to zero and resets odometry to the same position, but facing toward 0.
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