Package swervelib

Class SwerveDriveTest


public class SwerveDriveTest extends Object
Class to perform tests on the swerve drive.
  • Constructor Details

    • SwerveDriveTest

      public SwerveDriveTest()
  • Method Details

    • angleModules

      public static void angleModules(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, Rotation2d moduleAngle)
      Set the angle of the modules to a given Rotation2d
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to use.
      moduleAngle - Rotation2d to set every module to.
    • powerDriveMotorsDutyCycle

      public static void powerDriveMotorsDutyCycle(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double percentage)
      Power the drive motors for the swerve drive to a set duty cycle percentage.
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to control.
      percentage - Duty cycle percentage of voltage to send to drive motors.
    • powerAngleMotorsDutyCycle

      public static void powerAngleMotorsDutyCycle(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double percentage)
      Power the angle motors for the swerve drive to a set percentage.
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to control.
      percentage - DutyCycle percentage to send to angle motors.
    • powerDriveMotorsVoltage

      public static void powerDriveMotorsVoltage(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double volts)
      Power the drive motors for the swerve drive to a set voltage.
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to control.
      volts - Voltage to send to drive motors.
    • powerAngleMotorsVoltage

      public static void powerAngleMotorsVoltage(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double volts)
      Power the angle motors for the swerve drive to a set voltage.
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to control.
      volts - Voltage to send to angle motors.
    • centerModules

      public static void centerModules(SwerveDrive swerveDrive)
      Set the modules to center to 0.
      swerveDrive - Swerve Drive to control.
    • setModulesToRotaryPosition

      public static void setModulesToRotaryPosition(SwerveDrive swerveDrive)
      Set the modules to their rotary position to allow running sysid and spinning the robot
      swerveDrive - Swerve Drive to control.
    • runDriveMotorsCharacterizationOnSimModules

      public static void runDriveMotorsCharacterizationOnSimModules(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double volts, boolean testWithSpinning)
      Set the sim modules to center to 0 and power them to drive in a voltage. Calling this function in sim is equivalent to calling centerModules(SwerveDrive) and powerDriveMotorsVoltage(SwerveDrive, double) on a real robot.
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to control.
      volts - Voltage to send to drive motors.
      testWithSpinning - - Whether to make the robot spin in place instead of driving in a straight line, true to make the robot spin, false to make the robot drive in straight line
    • runAngleMotorsCharacterizationOnSimModules

      public static void runAngleMotorsCharacterizationOnSimModules(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double volts)
      Set the sim modules to center to 0 and power them to drive in a voltage. Calling this function in sim is equivalent to calling centerModules(SwerveDrive) and powerDriveMotorsVoltage(SwerveDrive, double) on a real robot.
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to control.
      volts - Voltage to send to angle motors.
    • findDriveMotorKV

      public static double findDriveMotorKV(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double minMovement, double testDelaySeconds, double maxVolts)
      Find the minimum amount of power required to move the swerve drive motors.
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to control.
      minMovement - Minimum amount of movement to drive motors.
      testDelaySeconds - Time in seconds for the motor to move.
      maxVolts - The maximum voltage to send to drive motors.
      minimum voltage required.
    • findCouplingRatio

      public static double findCouplingRatio(SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double volts, boolean automatic)
      Find the coupling ratio for all modules.
      swerveDrive - SwerveDrive to operate with.
      volts - Voltage to send to angle motors to spin.
      automatic - Attempt to automatically spin the modules.
      Average coupling ratio.
    • createConfigCustomTimeout

      public static SysIdRoutine.Config createConfigCustomTimeout(double timeout)
      Creates a SysIdRoutine.Config with a custom final timeout
      timeout - - the most a SysIdRoutine should run
      A custom SysIdRoutine.Config
    • logDriveMotorDutyCycle

      public static void logDriveMotorDutyCycle(SwerveModule module, SysIdRoutineLog log)
      Logs output, position and velocuty info form the drive motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
      Although SysIdRoutine expects to be logging Voltage, this function logs in Duty-Cycle (percent output) because it results in correctly adjusted values in the analysis for use in this library.
      module - - the swerve module being logged
      log - - the logger
    • logDriveMotorVoltage

      public static void logDriveMotorVoltage(SwerveModule module, SysIdRoutineLog log)
      Logs voltage, position and velocuty info form the drive motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
      module - - the swerve module being logged
      log - - the logger
    • logDriveMotorActivity

      public static void logDriveMotorActivity(SwerveModule module, SysIdRoutineLog log, Supplier<Double> powerSupplied)
      Logs power, position and velocuty info form the drive motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
      module - - the swerve module being logged
      log - - the logger
      powerSupplied - - a functional supplier of the power to be logged
    • setDriveSysIdRoutine

      public static SysIdRoutine setDriveSysIdRoutine(SysIdRoutine.Config config, SubsystemBase swerveSubsystem, SwerveDrive swerveDrive, double maxVolts, boolean testWithSpinning)
      Sets up the SysId runner and logger for the drive motors
      config - - The SysIdRoutine.Config to use
      swerveSubsystem - - the subsystem to add to requirements
      swerveDrive - - the SwerveDrive from which to access motor info
      maxVolts - - The maximum voltage that should be applied to the drive motors.
      testWithSpinning - - Whether to make the robot spin in place instead of driving in a straight line, true to make the robot spin, false to make the robot drive in straight line
      A SysIdRoutine runner
    • logAngularMotorDutyCycle

      public static void logAngularMotorDutyCycle(SwerveModule module, SysIdRoutineLog log)
      Logs info about the angle motor to the SysIdRoutineLog.
      Although SysIdRoutine expects to be logging Voltage, this function logs in Duty-Cycle (percent output) because it results in correctly adjusted values in the analysis for use in this library.
      module - - the swerve module being logged
      log - - the logger
    • logAngularMotorVoltage

      public static void logAngularMotorVoltage(SwerveModule module, SysIdRoutineLog log)
      Logs info about the angle motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
      module - - the swerve module being logged
      log - - the logger
    • logAngularMotorActivity

      public static void logAngularMotorActivity(SwerveModule module, SysIdRoutineLog log, Supplier<Double> powerSupplied)
      Logs info about the angle motor to the SysIdRoutineLog
      module - - the swerve module being logged
      log - - the logger
      powerSupplied - - a functional supplier of the power to be logged
    • setAngleSysIdRoutine

      public static SysIdRoutine setAngleSysIdRoutine(SysIdRoutine.Config config, SubsystemBase swerveSubsystem, SwerveDrive swerveDrive)
      Sets up the SysId runner and logger for the angle motors
      config - - The SysIdRoutine.Config to use
      swerveSubsystem - - the subsystem to add to requirements
      swerveDrive - - the SwerveDrive from which to access motor info
      A SysIdRoutineRunner
    • generateSysIdCommand

      public static Command generateSysIdCommand(SysIdRoutine sysIdRoutine, double delay, double quasiTimeout, double dynamicTimeout)
      Creates a command that can be mapped to a button or other trigger. Delays can be set to customize the length of each part of the SysId Routine
      sysIdRoutine - - The Sys Id routine runner
      delay - - seconds between each portion to allow motors to spin down, etc...
      quasiTimeout - - seconds to run the Quasistatic routines, so robot doesn't get too far
      dynamicTimeout - - seconds to run the Dynamic routines, 2-3 secs should be enough
      A command that can be mapped to a button or other trigger